Grammar - (a) few / (a) little

study ex 1 ex 2 ex 3
1. Countable and uncountable
To use the expressions of quantity correctly, 
you need to understand the difference between countable and uncountable nouns.

We can say: three cups, two girls, ten pounds: we can count them.
We cannot say: two waters, three musics, one money: we cannot count them.
2. A few - a little
A few is used with countable nouns:
- There are a few biscuits in the tin.
- My bus goes in a few minutes
A little is used with uncountable nouns:
- There's a little whisky left. Help yourself.
- There is a little sunshine.
3. Few and little with(out) a
WITH A the meaning is positive:
- He spoke a little English,
  so we could talk to him.
- A few customers have come into the shop,
  it has been quite busy.
WITHOUT A the meaning is negative:
He spoke little English,
  it was difficult to talk to him.
- Few customers have come into the shop,
  it has been quiet.